Planting Day with Thomson’s Catchment Project
Approximately 650 carex secta were planted over 3 sites in Thomson’s Creek Catchment at the beginning of September.
Huge thanks to Julie Morris and 10 Fonterra Sustainable Dairying Staff from across Otago & Southland who helped us plant and provided lunch from Muddy Creek café.
Thanks also to Roger Williams who delivered lunch, Glen Riley and his Habitat Restorations Aotearoa team (Glen also gave us excellent tips for planting), Shelley McCormack who planted all day, and Haines Battrick who works on the Thomson’s project alongside me*.
Glen from Habitat Restorations Aotearoa providing a bit of info on how to plant for success
Prior to the planting day Ben Gillispie, Hamish Stratford, Jan Manson (group members) and Haines prepared the sites and bamboo poles.
A really great day out!
*Nicola McGrouther is the facilitator for Thomson’s project group and wrote this summary.