Success with propagation workshop for catchment groups
Learning the details of pricking out with Harakeke and Carex Secta
A special credit must be made to Jo Wakelin for all her skills and experience as a horticultural tutor and big thanks to Ben, Anna, Will and Millie Gillespie for hosting the event. Ben’s home nursery provided a ‘wow’ factor for the afternoon and everyone was buzzing on what is possible with a bit of time and experimentation!
The day was attended by people from 6 different catchment groups from across Otago.
The learning covered the basics of what is needed to host a successful propagation workshop, and the “how to” of native seed gathering, processing, storage and propagation.
Ben and Anna were able to talk about how growing their own plants has supported what they do on farm, from how the planning looks for them through to the all important planting and maintenance, including where possible bringing the local school along for fun and informative planting days.
These workshop days are gaining popularity across Otago, and there are a few more coming up before the end of this growing season.
A selection of ‘goodies’ to take home at the end of the workshop
Check our calendar of events for more details.