This section is for resources OCC have been given permission to share as well as a place for resources created by OCC which will benefit catchment groups
OCC each year conduct a survey of Catchment Groups across Otago.
This is to track progress, sticking points and successes as well as challenges groups are recording. It serves as a way to monitor trends as well as highlights for our groups, serving the purpose as a chance for groups to reflect on where they’ve come from and importantly for us as a service to groups, where they are heading - direction, project work and succession planning. We hope this summary report of 2023 can share some of the great work we continue to see across Otago’s groups.
Link to survey summary
The ACE National resource database houses some top information to support work for catchment and water care groups. The great mahi supported by NZ Landcare Trust to pull all of this together is a testament to all the work that has gone on, and continues to happen in our community driven groups. These tools have been pulled together in this ‘one stop shop’. Click on the logo below to head over and take a look
e-DNA; what is it and how would I use it?
Read more below…
E-DNA (Environmental DNA) has gained a lot of interest in recent times from catchment groups, from councils and individuals wanting to know a bit more about what life is in their creek, or stream. It’s also a tool that has been folded into the standard of working towards FAP+.
Environmental DNA, or eDNA, refers to all the tiny traces of genetic material that is left behind as living things pass through water or soil.
It’s a handy way to gain an understanding of what is currently leaving traces of DNA in your creek - whether passing through, or living in there.
There is support available from a number of places should your group wish to engage in using this tool.
Provided below are some places you can go to find out a bit more about this handy tool.
Wilderlab - the laboratory who take the samples and analyse them for you. You can opt to have your samples made publicly available or stay private. Look on their map to see the publicly available results.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) - A great spot to check out to understand more about e-DNA sampling, how the kits work and what to do with one yourself.
There is a video here on how to deploy a sample kit
Here is a good place to read up on how other groups have used this wee bit of tech.
Should you wish to find out more, OCC can give you some direction, so get in touch with one of us and we can help you make a plan.
Chris Tanner Wetlands Workshop Presentation
From the Catchment Leaders forum held in July 2022, here is the link to the presentation from the day
Hamiora Gibson - ‘Sam the Trapman’ tours Otago. June 2023
Following Hamiora Gibson aka ‘Sam the Trapman’ events throughout Otago in June is a resource to outline a step by step the process which Sam and his team took to ensure Catchment Groups were provided with what was needed in the wake of cyclone Gabrielle.
If you didn’t make it to any of these events, the evening sessions on Gibson’s tour focused on community preparedness for adverse events and how groups can use their skills to implement changes that benefit them.
Dr David Norton Biodiversity Short Video Series Links
All of these videos have been created as a shared resource between OCC, Beef & Lamb NZ and NZ Landcare Trust.
We wish to acknowledge the work behind the scenes from our awesome videographer who spent numerous hours pulling all of this together for your learning!
1/ Why Should You As a Farmer Think About Native Biodiversity? LINK
2/ Why Is Native Biodiversity Important To You? LINK
3/ On Farm Biodiversity Planning. LINK
4/ Methods For Monitoring Biodiversity Progress. LINK
David Norton Extra Short Videos Introducing Biodiversity (30sec - 2min)
What is biodiversity? Link
Why does biodiversity matter? Link
Working together on biodiversity. Link
Incorporating biodiversity into your farm management. Link
How to start a biodiversity monitoring plan. Link
The benefits of biodiversity on your farm. Link
What if I have no biodiversity? Link
How to deal with regulations. Link
Expanding biodiversity areas and remnants. Link
Introduction to Biodiversity Roadshow, from David Norton presentations to groups across Otago.
October and November 2022
Click here for Presentation 1 (Matakanui Station)
Click here for Presentation 2 (Seacliff, East Otago)
Click here for Presentation 3 (Waiwera South, Clinton)
Click here for Presentation 4 (Pomahaka, Tapanui)
Click here for Presentation 5 (Kyeburn Station)
Click here for Presentation 6 (Weston, NOSLaM)
This roadshow was supported by OCC, NZ Landcare Trust & Beef and Lamb NZ. The catchment groups for each area provided an essesntial contact point to local land-owners and interested parties to make each of these events a success.
Thank you to each and every one of you who helped make this roadshow a success!
A guide on how to set up a water testing regime for a catchment group
This is a quick and simple check-sheet for groups wanting to begin water testing and includes a video on how to take a sample along with a list of some water testing labs available in the lower South island.
A visual assessment sheet for water testers
This sheet provides a simple set of observations that can be made on the day of water testing to help build further on your water testing. The guide can be modified to suit each group's unique circumstances.
Managing financial tough times
Tips for managing your business through a high-cost environment from accountant and consultant George Collier (Director, ICL), plus insights and future opportunities for the red meat sector from Nick Beeby (B+LNZ GM Market Development).
Click HERE to watch the YouTube video